Right to Information Act 2005 (RTI) is an Act of the Parliament Of India "to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens." Under the provisions of the Act, any citizen may request information from a "public authority" (a body of Government or "instrumentality of State").
As usual, source(wikipedia-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_Information_Act,_2005)

RTI made a huge impact on the workings of government agencies?? I think our judicial system is very kind to not so kind corrupt bastards. These officials are the ones who gamble with our money in which we are the all time losers and at the end we common people are left just to regret that the money we paid for the development was pocketed by some corrupt neta, the land which was supposed to be used for development was grabbed by some builder having top political connection, the mangroves land was cut down to increase the income of your elected representative(neta) etc... the list goes on, And the common man is left to bang on the doors of all the possible government Babus.
Law of RTI has not only been teared apart by these officials but it is also generating corrupt minds to make a quick buck. Blackmailing and extortion is what RTI is been used in present times with the suo-moto of looting a person or the government agency. Does RTI any way mean to masturbate with glory of the law and create a corrupt environment? Answer to this is a Big NOO!!
Several times RTI activists are seen with a doubtful mind due to some spoiled apples in the basket and at the end our judicial system makes the person corrupt who opens the lid from the pot.
The struggle to pass the RTI Act can be seen in a mess where the Act for transparent workings of the government is been used for corruption business( Business because its a daily phenomena).
RTI ACT has been left to fall flat on the face of the government. Does RTI means Right To Increase Corruption is what i will rethink of when i am off to my Bed!!
The struggle to pass the RTI Act can be seen in a mess where the Act for transparent workings of the government is been used for corruption business( Business because its a daily phenomena).
RTI ACT has been left to fall flat on the face of the government. Does RTI means Right To Increase Corruption is what i will rethink of when i am off to my Bed!!
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